
Drinking something is just to enjoy, not for waste!

REUSABLE cups are the most sustainable alternative to single-use cups that become waste after use REMORE, just enjoy, be more human.

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Reusable Remore Cups and Lids

Dishwasher safe

Reusable Cup Usage


your drinking in a REMORE cup


with your drink


the used REMORE cup at a pick-up point


the used REMORE cups


for new using

Avoid Waste

Let's reduce our carbon footprint. But how?
The basis of corporate and individual sustainability is based on responsible consumption. There are approximately 8 billion of us on the planet. It is up to us to make our daily habits more environmentally friendly. We can prevent the CO2 released in the production of our single-use cups, which are thrown away every coffee break.

Save Planet

What happens after a single-use cup is used?
It is 100% recyclable. We regret to say that this is a dream. Of course, we all put single-use cups in the recycling bins! Isn't it? However, the recycling story of single-use cups is not as successful as it seems. Because the inner surface of most single-use cups is covered with different materials and this can make recycling impossible. Additionally, single-use cup with food contamination on the inside cannot be recycled. In addition to all this, empty single-use cups fly away into nature with a little wind. The simple solution is to use a reusable cup.

Save Money

What should be the real cost of drinking coffee?
What is paid for? Coffee or trash?
We believe that it is better to pay for the function of a cup than to pay for its waste part. In other words, a coffee cup is not a consumable material. With reusable cups, you don't have to buy a new single-use cup every coffee break. One REMORE cup can be used more than 100 times with cleaning.

Reusable System Options

Lending system
Deposit system
Membership system

Let's make the world better together

Remore adopts all 17 the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals in principle.Specifically, Remore reusable cups directly serve 5 main goals.

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Reusable cups are the most sustainable solution that can replace single-use cups wherever they are used.


It is very easy to switch to a reusable cup system, whether in an office where few people work or in a company with thousands of team members.


The privilege of offering passengers the choice of reusable cups with the "zero waste" principle during short or long-distance travels...

Coffee Shop Chain

You can now offer reusable coffee cup optionsin your chain branches.


With reusable cups, all sports competitions result in ‘zero waste’.


Drinking coffee while shopping makes the shopping experience more enjoyable. The shopping experience becomes even more intense with reusable coffee cups within the scope of the «zero waste» shopping theme.

Educational Instituition

Educational institutions, which are pioneers of the new generation of sustainable habits, are also pioneers of sustainable consumption with the use of Reusable cups.
Educational institutions are pioneers in next-generation sustainable solutions. Educational institutions are cleaner with reusable cups. In your educational institution, you can switch to the "zero waste" concept of eating and drinking with reusable cups instead of single-use cups.Be a pioneer in “zero waste” transformation with the REMORE Reusable system in your educational institution.

Sports Competition

With reusable cups, all sports competitions result in ‘zero waste’.